Flames Gymnastics Booster Club

The Flames Gymnastics Booster Club is a non-profit section 501(c)(3) organization whose primary purpose is to raise funds to help support youth gymnastics.

Fundraising Begins
With Us

The booster club helps to provide the necessary support to the team in a variety of capacities, including helping to reduce the cost of competition for the girls who compete for Flames Gymnastics Academy. We are seeking donations of cash sponsorship for the team’s general fund or gift certificates, gift cards, or items for gift baskets that can be used for the raffle baskets created for the competitions our team hosts.

Download the 2024/2024 Membership Agreement HERE.

The Flames Gymnastics Team is comprised of dedicated young athletes, undergoing intense year round training, and making may personal sacrifices in pursuit of excellence in the sport. We have may State, Regional, and National Champions that have trained at Flames Gymnastics. Flames Booster Club’s mission encompasses raising up these kids to be competitive, hardworking, team players who will ultimately become future leaders in our community.

We aim at inspiring our athletes to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.